Most popular petitions in USA in 2019
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2024) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
May France want to restitute to Senegal the Oumarian library undiminished !
Created: 2019-12-11 Statistics
Petition against FMD Auction Ban
Created: 2019-11-18 Statistics
Save Track Fitness Boxing Club
Created: 2019-09-08 Statistics
Created: 2019-07-25 Statistics
Be gone, Parrish
Created: 2019-05-29 Statistics
The Initiative for Responsible Scientific Assessment (IRSA):
Created: 2019-05-07 Statistics
Created: 2019-03-25 Statistics
CapeTown! At the Disco
Created: 2019-03-10 Statistics
Culture Declaration Skåne 2019
Created: 2019-01-22 Statistics
Created: 2016-05-18 Statistics
Protest Against Closing Down the Lukács Archive
Created: 2016-03-08 Statistics
Petition to Shut Down Provo Canyon School
Created: 2012-02-14 Statistics
Raise the drafting age
Created: 2019-12-28 Statistics
NO high density multi-unit bldgs on Young Avenue
Created: 2019-11-27 Statistics
To stop the Royal British Legion closing the 4 Break Centres across the UK and Handy van Service.
Created: 2019-11-20 Statistics
Release the bodies of Phumla and her children
Created: 2019-10-14 Statistics
Petition to the Minister of Energy re power outages in Germiston and surrounding areas
Created: 2019-08-31 Statistics
Petition that apple adds emoji grass block
Created: 2019-08-24 Statistics
Remove Fortnite: Revive Gaming
Created: 2019-07-29 Statistics
make freya loki's slave
Created: 2019-06-30 Statistics